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Bindyree's Threes
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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Thanksgiving 2008

Thursday, Nov. 27, 2008 - 12:35 a.m.

Happy Thanksgiving.

I am sitting here slowly typing my blog entry. I have adhesive bandages on two of my fingers, which were slathered with aloe vera gel before the bandages were applied. I got a very nice shot of something for pain when I was at the emergency room, and I may go have a little snort of John's brandy if I really need it.

Last night at around half past five, I was heating up some leftovers, and because one of the zip lock bags was getting so puffy, I thought I had forgotten to leave it part way open.

When I went to check and see what was causing the puffiness, I felt the lip of the bag, and that was just enough for the hot steam to shoot out and burn my pointer finger and my middle finger.

Readers, I have been in three car accidents, one of which put me in the hospital on and off for a total of two months. I have had three teeth knocked out of my head as a result of biting a dashboard. I had major abdominal surgery when I was seventeen and about two weeks after my surgery, my silly mom made me laugh at something so hard, I asked her to take me back to the hospital, which of course she didn't do. I stepped on a toothpick when I was nine and got a tetanus shot and a lecture and a commemorative photostatic copy of the bill for its removal ($57 in 1974). One of the top twenty large economy-sized human beings in Science Fiction Fandom smashed my bare toes during a dance once, and cost me two toenails. I touched a still hot curling iron to my tongue once. My little brother kicked me in the face when he was running through the house and I was laying on my back in the living room reading a book. When I was seven, I forgot where the brakes were on my new handbrake bicycle and used all ten of my toe-tops as brakes on the sidewalk when my backpedaling didn't make the bike stop. I've skinned my knees, bitten down on my tongue, fallen down smack on my elbows with a squirming guinea pig in my hands, and been hit on the ear twice by a foul softball during the course of the same game.

But nothing, and I mean NOTHING has compared to the unbelievable amounts of pain that occur when the ends of the fingers are burned.

This is a whole new category of ow. I was in so much pain that John thought I was showing symptoms of shock, hence the trip to the fixit shop.

I am blessed to have some mobility, though. I can type, if I'm careful, and thank goodness, I can work the clip on my ostomy pouch.

I cannot however, stand to touch my hair (as if to shampoo) and I sure as hell cannot hold a utensil with enough strength to secure whatever it is I'm cutting.

So because I have to skip a shower, and because I can't hold a knife and fork? John and I are staying in.


In deference to the oogie nature of my injury this time around, and the more squeamish readers that seem to magically come out of the woodwork every time I inflict damage upon myself, I am not going to provide pictures for BlisterWatch 08 like I did for BlisterWatch 03.

There's a nice flat blister directly above the top joint of my pointer finger, right below the nail, that's about the size of a ladybug. I am under strict orders not to fuck with it, and believe me, in this instance, I will obey without question. Most of the rest of the time, I've been like Tom Sawyer, an avid fan of even my own wounds and infirmities -- but this time around, I am standing down.

One and a half square inches of skin should not be ruling my life like this, but there ya go.

I will say this, though. A person has no idea how much they *use* their booger finger until they *hurt* their booger finger.


Upon reflection of my myriad of injuries and adventures? Today is indeed a day to give thanks.


Happy Thanksgiving, friends. Here we all are!

And as of this writing, I'm feeling a little better.


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