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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
Monday, Dec. 18, 2017
Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Do A Dance

Monday, Oct. 22, 2007 - 12:05 a.m.

On Sunday, the Santa Ana winds are forcing me to dig dust balls out of my nostrils and eyeballs on the hour.

I finally got to meet the people over in the Mark & Brian newsgroup. Dave sure talked these folks up, but wow -- what a bunch of assholes. There were a few noteably wonderful exceptions, but mostly, they were extremely mean to me online, and didn't have the courage or the good form to apologize to me when we met in person.

Dave has been so embarrassed by how I've been treated by them, he's just wanting to distance himself from them now.

I was ashamed for him, and I am sorry I wasted my time on these people.


Anyway, on to better news... The one week I just kind of shine the Friday Five on, and guess whose entry they picked? ...

Yup. Mine.

Answered somewhere else in here already and I'm not gonna go look because it's earlylate.


I was emailing a friend about the Santa Ana winds that are underway now; here's an excerpt of what I wrote to her:

I don't know if the wind is blowing where you are, tonight, but I've never actually seen a dust storm like this before. There's blizzard-like conditions here, in the form of dirt, leaves and small pieces of trash, and when the window is open here, the smell is of Something Burning That Really Ought Not To Be Burning. Sort of a woodytrashyleafy thing.

The lights were also very glowy, through the airborne dirt that tried so hard to look like fog, but instead has covered everything I've seen or touched in the last day or so with a fine layer of grit.

I am managing to keep the computer protected, and at night, I am sleeping semi-upright, in the big foofy chair, with the air purifier practically pointed at me, wearing my sleep mask over my eyes, and my grandfather's bandana over my mouth.

I worry that one of these days, Dave's roomie Jim is going to come boiling through the front door some bright morning, just as I've shambled to my feet but before the unmasking has taken place.

I predict we'll both do a dance.


Okay kids. There you go. Have a good Monday!


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