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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Who's Gone For Awhile

Wednesday, Feb. 06, 2008 - 12:34 a.m.

Have we all survived Super Tuesday? Good. Me, too.

The numbers aren't in yet, but I fully expect the Ovarian oriented state of California to do something stupid and award its Democratic delegates to Hillbilly.


As ever, though, I am always glad to be proven wrong when it comes to politics because of my pessimistic cynicism.

Doctor James Dobson, of Focus on the Family fame, says that if McCain is nominated, he isn't going to vote.

Suits me just fine! Anybody who chooses not to vote gets to sit down and shut up for four years about how the country is being run.

Not voting isn't a protest, you extremely self-aggrandizing fleeb.

Not voting is NOT VOTING. It's letting somebody else make your decisions for you.

Shame and quadruple shame.


My friends, today, I'd like to announce my complete cessation and withdrawl from Dr. Who fandom for the forseeable future.

It's all thanks to Russell Davies.

Mr. Davies, the current executive producer of Doctor Who, is telling the fans of the show to distance themselves from the phenomenon and that he is choosing to ignore them.

Allow me to quote:

Licensed "Doctor Who" merchandise crowds the shelves at Boots and Borders. Eight-year-old boys in gray flannel school uniforms huddle at bus stops furtively trafficking in the show's trading cards. "Doctor Who" appears -- at least to a displaced foreigner -- to be the most visible of Britain's current pop culture commodities. Having been sold to 40 territories worldwide, it is also among its most exportable; in the U.S., it airs on BBC America and the Sci Fi Channel.

Even Davies sometimes finds it overwhelming. "Put the 'Doctor Who' stuff away!" is how he said he sometimes feels. "It's weird, isn't it? You see that logo everywhere." He paused for a moment, and continued. "It's the time of our lives."

... They also share an increasingly complicated mythology. It falls to Davies "to keep balancing how much continuity there is, how many stand-alone elements there are." Ever mindful of the shows' "mainstream audience" (meaning, not just sci-fi enthusiasts) and put off by "exclusivity" in general, he said he is reticent of creating overly inclusive stories dependent on viewers' in-depth knowledge of ornate histories.

This job is made easier by Davies' policy of ignoring the voices of those most vigilant. "I think we're an unusual science-fiction franchise in taking a very big step back from fandom and having nothing to do with them. . . . Every program on the BBC has a message board on the website. I forbid it to happen on 'Doctor Who.' I'm sorry to say this, all the science fiction producers making stuff in America, they are way too engaged with their fandom. They all need to step back."

That's it. Open Letter Time:

Dear Mr. Davies:

Okay, pal. Done. I've been a Whovian for over twenty years, and at no time, has any other professional associated with the show said something so needlessly insulting to its fans.

Frankly, I'm one of the people putting food on your plate -- which means you are never allowed to speak to me that way.

While I'm busy ignoring Doctor Who until your greasy little handprints are away from it, in the meantime, I'm not gonna watch, not gonna purchase, not gonna review, not gonna endorse a SINGLE OTHER FUCKING THING you ever put hands to. Now, or ever.

Are you happy now, you fucking wanker?

Love and kisses,


And for anyone who wants to join me in the boycott, here's the list of his work.

I don't expect anybody else to join me, but I don't give a shit. It's a matter of principle at this point.


Okay, I'm done. Have a good Wednesday, even if your candidate didn't do well.

Get out there and fight for who you want to see in office. It's not too late.


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