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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
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Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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I Can Hear The Ocean.

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Gingerbread, Angels & Bears, Oh My!

Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2003 - 6:17 a.m.

Well, my beloved husband survived his date with dentistry. They didn't have to do a lot of work, but the first shot still hurt like the dickens going in. He's fine, now.:)


Today and perhaps from now on, I officially feel sorry for everybody under the age of 35 who has not yet discovered the joys of older movies or old radio broadcasts. If you're wondering why your parents or your grandparents have seemingly gone bananas over the death of Bob Hope, go ahead and talk to them -- or better yet, go to your nearest veterans' hospital or retirement home, and ask those amazing history-filled residents what Bob Hope's work meant to them. They will only be too happy to fill you in. And bring a microcassette recorder, too. :)


Happy Gingerbread Man I was digging through my images folder, looking for a suitable replacement for the picture in my Diaryland profile -- I found one, thanks, when you get a moment, go have a look if you care to -- and found a scanned image of one of the anatomically correct gingerbread men I baked for the Erasure impostor last Thanksgiving, when I still thought I was overnighting baked goods to the people he was impersonating.

I have decided that since the people he was impersonating won't ever know how cute these things turned out to be -- or how delicious, she says humbly -- I thought I'd share the picture with y'all so we could have ourselves a nice laugh at What I Did For Love. :)

Speaking of which, the cumshot consists of powdered sugar mixed with eggwhite.


Last night, a door opened that I thought had closed forever with my father's death.

When my mother died in 1995, my father had always told me he'd had a memorial plaque created in her name and placed on the wall of one of the local cemeteries. He had her cremated, and her ashes were scattered. Unfortunately, I never knew where he had the plaque placed, in which cemetary. He was always nebulous when I would ask. Although he always maintained that he had done it, I could never pin him down as to the specific details, because he always seemed pained to be talking about her.

The thought of doing the research myself was always a painful and just plain old nerve-deadeningly horrifying prospect. Ring Ring "Hello. Nobody will tell me where my mother is. Do you have her?" is something I just never was able to bring myself to say to a total stranger, you know?..well, I mean, there's you guys out there, but you know what I mean. I mentioned this last night when I was speaking to Paul -- I'd been telling him about Mom's journal, and how important it was to preserve the family history somehow -- and then in the background, I could hear him typing on the computer. "How do you spell your mother's last name again?"... and then it hit me. Paul was taking the trouble to look up the area cemeteries. And he's going to place telephone calls until he finds my mother. I had not asked him to do this. When I realized what he was doing, I burst into tears. Paul kept saying not to worry about it, that it had piqued his curiosity, and that he'd tell me what he found, if anything.

Wow -- Angels are everywhere, aren't they? :)...


The Glass Teat has actually had decent offerings lately -- most recently, in the form of the Designing Women reunion. I never watched that show first-run, but am really loving it in reruns on the Lifetime network. Later this morning, one of my other favorite bands, Styx, is going to be on Regis and Kelly. And tonight, I'm going to see the next ep. of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Between you and me? I think Carson has a prediliction for bears.

That's cool. So do I. :)


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