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Bindyree's Threes
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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Monday, Monday...

Monday, Sept. 29, 2003 - 7:54 a.m.

I had such a wonderful weekend, and when I'm in a really good mood, it's sometimes more difficult to write. So if this seems late or light headed, you're probably right.

Cheri and I spoke on Saturday and again on Sunday -- she had an anxious weekend because she installed some software at work that made peoples' computers ill; she was honestly wondering if she had a job waiting for her when she returned to the office today. I even had John speak to her about inquiring into whether or not her ministrations would be covered under a business interruption claim. (I'm glad she and John got to 'meet', finally, because I've been prattling on about Cheri to John enough!) She called her uncle, who is an IT manager, and he talked her through the steps of the uninstallation process. She showed up at work before the boss got there, went around and uninstalled everything, and by the time the boss showed up, she was able to give him a 'Tah Dah!'. So, yay, Cheri!...

I also had a chance to visit with Scott Hysmith. We figured out that discussing our past at length has been akin to watching a DVD with the commentary track on. In a lot of ways it feels like it happened to other people. Maybe it did, because maybe we're not those people anymore. But then again maybe we are but we just forgot. Anyway, Scott, that poor beleagured fellow, was dragged to the Smithsonian Air & Space museum with some friends yesterday and now he has sore feet. Awwww. Don't y'all throw me in dat briar patch. Maybe one of these days I'll post what he sent me right after we lost Columbia.

On a bittersweet note, I had to throw out the last half-ounce of P@ul Schu!tz's salsa. When I went to get it and open the jar, the jar went fwwshhh at me. Sure enough, it had gone over. So I'm one more step removed from Utah. Holy shit, that was the best salsa I ever had in my life. I listened to him make it and heard him ladle it into the canning jars the night he put it up. And I know there's a -shelfload- of it where my jar came from. I'll see if he'll send me some more.

And -- hooray! -- I had a movie date with Jamie! We watched 'The Craft' together. One moment stands out for me; there's a scene where one of the girls is awakened by the guy who has a crush on her; he stands below her window and tells her, "I think I love you" -- at which point Jamie muttered " what am I so afraid of?" -- and he just sat back and waited for it to sink in.:)


UPDATE: It's just after 2:00 in the afternoon now. I found my recall ballot on the coffee table. I've just looked at it. What a joke. Election time is the only time I really hate to live here. Bleah.


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