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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
Monday, Dec. 18, 2017
Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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where I hurt, and where I recover.

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ACME Heartmaker
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I Can Hear The Ocean.

A proud member of
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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Onewetleg & Cam & Stuff

Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003 - 5:48 a.m.

JJ came over yesterday afternoon. She said my directions were pretty easy to follow.

Before she got there, I made a batch of cheese-garlic biscuits for her to take back to her boyfriend, Tommy.

I was really grateful to hear the intercom buzz and hear JJ traipse up the stairs. I was really glad she found our place. She had brought food that included some really rich cheese, some fruit cocktail that is probably going to end up as a marinade for pork chops at a later date, some fresh garlic, and a sort of cheesy pound cake thing that I thought was delicious.

We sat around in the living room yesterday afternoon and drank coffee out of my little white pinkies-up cups and ate cake and listened to the mix CD I made for her, and to the CD "A Charlie Brown Christmas".

At one point, I picked up the AstroJax and handed them to her, and she surprised the daylights out of me by being able to twirl them like a fire-dancer from the pacific islands. It turns out she took a Polynesian Dance class once upon a time, and so was able to use the AstroJax immediately.

Brin & JJ We goofed around in front of the webcam, and I took a picture of us together, which you see here. The dot on her chin is a reflection of the light off of the thingie she wears through her bottom lip. I also took pictures of her body art. Her arms and torso are covered with beautiful scrollwork and paisely with dots; I refer to her upper body as being filigreed.

I took about a dozen pictures of her art, then she curled upon the futon and very nearly went to sleep. "What would you do if I slept RIGHT HERE?" she asked. "I'd cover you up with one of the afghans and wake you up fifteen minutes before you said you needed to leave," I said. Which is fine with me; I think if somebody is so comfortable in my home as to fall asleep, that's a huge compliment. So she settled down, tried to pick a stuffed bunny rabbit out of the stack next to the futon -- and they attacked her. She'd picked out the big golden one that the rest of the bunnies were resting on. I went back into the living room when I heard the tumbling thump of the stuffed bunnies landing on the coffee table and a cardboard box that was next to the futon; she looked up and I laughed. "Is that what your 'innocent face' looks like?" I asked, and then SHE laughed -- and then was fully awake again.

Because I have asthma and am nearly lethally allergic to cigarette smoke, JJ had to lean out our picture window in order to 'consume her fumar'; at one point she had a little bit of vertigo due to us being on the third floor, and I said I'd hold on to her belt loops so she'd feel better, but she said she thought she'd be okay.

Overall, it was a very healthy visit for us both.


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