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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
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Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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I Can Hear The Ocean.

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


The Best Birthday Ever

Thursday, Apr. 08, 2004 - 7:55 a.m.


I think yesterday will go down as the Best Birthday Ever.

This suits me, because I don't know if I feel like actually observing the year after 2005. I'll just tell anybody who asks that I'm over 21. :)


Anyway. John totally blew me out of the water what what he'd gotten for me.

First, he gave me a card that had me in tears. I've been known to cry during pretty car commercials, and am generally a person who wears her emotions on a sleeve -- but THIS card, after all we have been through this year, is the ne plus ultra of birthday cards.

Then he handed me the gifts.

He'd allowed me to open one on Tuesday night -- and that turned out to be two of my favorite films on DVD -- 'Grease' and 'When Worlds Collide'. I hadn't seen the latter one in probably twenty years.

The two square packages turned out to be three CDs -- a mix CD with absolutely every cut being a really good song, complete with artwork from the pictures I took while Cheri was out here; the remastered CD of 'Tattoo You' which is my fave Rolling Stones album of all time, and the soundtrack to 'Whale Rider'.

If it had stopped there, that would have been spectacular. But there was another package that I hadn't been able to figure out, and at last, I opened it.

And found seasons one, two, and three of 'The Dick Van Dyke Show'. Next to the original Star Trek, this is my favorite TV series of all time; I had a dilapidated set of the series on some dreadful Fuji VHS tapes that were extended play and not compatible with our current VCR; I'd taped em off of Nick At Night about six years ago.

So that was my birthday morning!...

Then, yesterday -afternoon-, the McLaughlin family committed Cell Phone.

We walked in to the T-Mobile store together yesterday, and I was armed with enough research and knowledge that the woman who sold us the plan was downright grateful. "So many people walk in who have no idea where to start," she divulged. "You guys are probably the most informed customers I have ever had. That's just made my job SO much easier!"

How somebody can do the equivalent of walking into the beauty parlor and saying "Oh, just do whatever you want with my hair" when it comes to a decision and a committment like a cell phone is beyond me.

Anyway, I'm still getting the hang of the thing, so until I've learned what buttons to push, I am refraining from giving out the number to The Usual Suspects, at least for awhile.

And I must say thanks to Miss Maggie 03 for her guidance and willingness to answer questions on her day off. In her mundane life, she works for T-Mobile. So I had an inside track as to what was going to be the best thing to get. :) Thank you, dear!

So now I've been spending last night and will probably spend the rest of the day monkeying with the phone.


Thank you to each and every one of you who left birthday wishes!!!


And now, as I'm writing this, John is getting dressed for work -- woo! handsome! -- and I'm YMing with Todd Thalimer, who is telling me that he's probably going to be in the Bay Area this weekend, and wants to visit with me on Easter Sunday.

And in a few minutes, Dave Marron and I will meet for our morning dose of Pretender.

Oh, and I lost another pound.

I tell you. Life is pretty good right now. :)


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