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Springtime For Someone
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Confessions Of A Pack Rat
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More Threes
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Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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where I hurt, and where I recover.

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Erasure Impostor Info
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Friday Five v2.0
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I Can Hear The Ocean.

A proud member of
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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Friday Five / Luck

Friday, May. 13, 2005 - 7:51 a.m.

Stuff just sounds more romantic in the middle of the night.

I was IMing with Cutie Latina and she mentioned how pretty the moon was.

I believe the phrase we came up with was 'French manicure on a brown nail'


Michael Ross was executed last night / early this morning. The death penalty has not resulted in a lower crime rate. It's expensive as all getout, and the only thing it has going for it is the extremely low recidivism rate among people who have been executed.

I wish they'd just jail folks for life.


Okay. I switched off the 'members only' thing in the comments section. The world at large is free to post comments for the time being, but if the spammer returns, I'll have to re-set those restrictions.

Which sucks, but it can't be helped.


This news caught my eye a couple of days ago. It made me think of the Erasure Impostor:

Comedian/actor Robin Williams isn't laughing about his latest legal battle - he's suing a celebrity impersonator and his agent for allegedly conning charities into believing he's the real thing.

The Oscar winner has filed suit in a Minnesota federal court against look-a-like Michael Clayton and his agent Michael Pool, claiming the pair have "taken their act to a reprehensible level by expressly asserting Clayton is the real Robin Williams".

In court papers obtained by TV news show Celebrity Justice, Williams alleged the two men have "gone to great lengths to dupe innocent members of the media, general public and charitable organizations into falling for their ruse".

The star also alleges Clayton and Pool contacted a Missouri woman and arranged for Robin Williams to appear at a fundraiser for the local volunteer fire department. The actor claims Clayton and Pool asked the charity for $2,500 to cover expenses.

According to the court papers, Clayton impersonated Williams over the phone to the woman to convince her that he was the real deal.

The unnamed woman grew suspicious after reading an article about the alleged conmen and the fire department fundraiser was cancelled, costing the charity in excess of $40,000.

Williams is seeking an injunction against Clayton and Pool, stopping them from using his "identity, name, likeness and voice without expressly informing his actual and potential audiences that Clayton is not the real Robin Williams".

When are the real members of Erasure going to press charges against my favorite little impersonator? Hmmm?

It might make for some intriguing publicity for their new CD...


Anyway, onto better things.

Here's a Friday Five:

Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time. :-) It's happened to me.

What physical feature attracts you the most (romantically) to another person?
The brain, and what percentage of it is used. Also, lately, eyes, due to my increasing need to face somebody when they speak to me.

What do you think is the biggest benefit of being in a romantic relationship?
Knowing that no matter what else the world throws at you, you have an oasis of comfort and civility.

Biggest downside?
The lowering of barriers.

Has your idea of love and romance changed? If so, how?
As I get older, more and more I think of kindness as an aphrodisiac.

To play Friday Five, follow the link to the left.


Hey, ask me three questions.

I was thinking I'd make this a regular feature to appear on Thursdays; if you want me to submit three questions to me and I'll post my answers on Thursdays, I'll do that. Go ahead, ask me. Leave em in the comments section, please. Thanks. :-)


I think that's it. Have a good weekend.

Happy Friday The 13th!


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