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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
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Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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I Can Hear The Ocean.

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Operation Carrie

Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2005 - 9:24 a.m.

I love this time of year because it's practically the only time I can find black candles that are unscented.

The rest of the time I am stuck with nasty candles that smell like licorice or an 'interpretation' of Drakkar Noir. Ewwie.


Hey, remember when Mary and Vili got married? I sent them a gift from their wedding registry, but they never sent me a thank you card.


Wow. I'm seeing Tab Hunter doing a morning thing here on the television. He's written a book, and has finally officially come out of the closet. It was one of those Worst Kept Secrets, but it's still nice to see him do it finally for himself anyway.


I'm now having mild to moderate tremors regarding Harriet Miers. I'm hearing two different kinds of scuttlebutt regarding her placement on the SCOTUS; and the reason I am concerned about this nomination is that -maybe- this is meant to be a red herring, and the -other- people under consideration are who Dubya really wants instead.

Or not.

I'm finding her stance on the abortion issue rather interesting considering she's in her 60s and has never been married.


Another memory: There was a very famous Rolling Stone cover which featured a naked John Lennon curled around Yoko Ono; it just won the vote as best magazine cover in the last 40 years by the American Society of Magazine Editors. Here's the writeup over on the BBC website.


Good luck to the citizens of Taunton, Massachusetts, who live downstream from a very old wooden dam.

Mind you, I am not exactly certain why people would choose to live downstream from a hundred year old dam made of wood, especially since modern technology affords lots of far more optimum water control solutions, but I'm not them, so I guess I just don't grok.


Okay. I have a question.

Why aren't we thinking like the crazies do? All's fair in love and war, and I think the problems with the insurgents in Iraq and anywhere else in the world will disappear in nanoseconds if we do the following: If any more insurgents shoot Allied forces, we will drop many thousands of gallons of rendered pig's blood all over the troublespots.


Long-Overdue Epiphany To Self: Self, stop feeling trapped by UPS. If they miss you on one day, they'll be back the next day.



Riddle me this: Does any other Diarylander out there become upset whenever somebody decides to take you off their buddy list? If you do, how come it bothers you?

One of my favorite Diarylanders did it and I'm close to tears. Not that he owes me an explanation or anything. I'm just feeling like an idiot for getting so emotional over a bunch of goddamn ones and zeroes.

How dumb.


Anyway. Have a good Tuesday!


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