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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
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Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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I Can Hear The Ocean.

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Don't Let The Door Hit You

Monday, Nov. 29, 2004 - 7:27 a.m.

I keep hearing about people who are disappointed in how the election turned out and who want to move to Canada.

Okay. That makes -perfect- sense to me. Turn tail and run like cowardly sons of bitches. Itsy bitsy babies didn't get their way.

For pete's sake. I've never heard anything so absurd in my life.

Dear Future Canadians: By all means, go ahead and give up. Don't stay here where your activism and your voice and your work as an American citizen will do the most good. Go on, get out of here. If that's really how you feel, you really shouldn't be living here anyway. Obviously you can't handle the responsibilities that come with being an American citizen.

Or you could stay here and at least try to make a difference.

It might not be a big difference, but for gosh sakes, you can't do anything at all for the USA once you move to Canada. Well, except maybe send us lots of Nielsen's Chocolate.

I voted for John Kerry, and I was proud to do so. But Dubya won a second term, and as an American citizen, I'm proud to say I'm going to stay right here in this country and make as much noise as I can about any issue I may have with our Commander In Chief. It's my right -- and my responsibility.

So. To borrow a phrase from Bob and Doug MackKenzie, I say to all who wish to flee the United States of America because of the election results --

Take off -- to the Great White North. :-)


I see Julia Roberts had her twins. Phinneas Walter and Hazel Patricia.

That boy is gonna get beat up at school unless he figures out something really really cool for a call name.

Once again, I must give thanks to the powers that be that Stevie Nicks never had a child.


And finally, a crime wave like no other...

TROY, N.Y. (AP) - Missing: a giant, yellow cartoon sponge wearing square pants.

Police say inflatable SpongeBob SquarePants figures have been swiped from the roofs of Burger King fast food restaurants in New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Maine, Tennessee and Utah.

In some cases, a ransom note was left.

Burger King is running the SpongeBob promotion in connection with a new movie for the animated Nickelodeon TV character. The show is on top of the cable Nielsen ratings.

Police admit that stealing SpongeBob may seem funny, but it's still a crime. They don't think the thefts at different locations are connected.

Somebody other than me will think of something clever to say here, I'm sure.


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