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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
Monday, Dec. 18, 2017
Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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This is where I post, where I dream,
where I hurt, and where I recover.

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Friday Five v2.0
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ACME Heartmaker
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I Can Hear The Ocean.

A proud member of
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for over a tenth
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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Vanilla Hits & Friday 5

Friday, Jun. 10, 2005 - 8:19 a.m.

Okay, first things first. The Friday Five:

What things did you enjoy as a child that you no longer do?

Swinging on my swingset. I guess if they made 'em my size and I knew where one was, I'd still enjoy swinging.

What things did you enjoy as a child that you still do today?

Watch classic tv shows, talk to my stuffed animals, and occasionally make my own paper dolls.

What things do you do now, that the child you were never thought you'd like?

Eat my vegetables and travel by myself.

If you could go back to one age and stay there for a while, what would it be?

I'd go back to the year of 1989, when I was 24. I'd do that entire year over again, and believe me, it would have turned out differently.

If you could fast forward to an age (you do get to come back!) for a while, what would it be?

I want to be 42. Just because.

Okay. Ya wanna play, there's the link to the left. :-)


Had a rather spectacularly strange accident in the kitchen late last night. No, luckily no BlisterWatch, but it was one of those odd things that seems to only happen to me.

I was whipping some cream to stick in my coffee with the sugar free caramel sauce. I wanted to add some texture to the coffee drink. And I wanted to add flavor to the whipped cream.

So I reached into my cupboard, swung the lazy susan around, and grabbed the vanilla extract.

Did you know in my dim kitchen, at one in the morning, the little brown bottle that contains the vanilla extract looks just exactly like the little brown bottle that contains the green food coloring?... Wow!!!!

Can you say 'Grinch Puke'?... Okay, now can you say 'Grinch Puke' without laughing??...

Yes, I had to throw it out and start over.


I have a new guilty pleasure.

I am helplessly and hopelessly devoted to the newest bit of 'ripped off from the UK' television programming.

It's called 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' and it's basically a singing contest with a thyroid condition. Pop stars from the 80s and 90s are unfrozen, re-animated, spackled, sparkled and spiffed up, and invited to sing one of their classic hits, and then perform a current song. The group or artist with the best interpretation of Today's Hit Music wins money for the charity of their choice.

I gotta say though, some aspects of this show make me worry. For instance last night, I discovered that people born in 1982, aka the year I graduated from high school, can recite lyrics to songs done by Vanilla Ice. This is unnerving to me.

I know you parents out there surely must have warned your children.

Oh well.

Anyway, it airs on NBC and Bravo.

I figured out why I like it though. I think I enjoy it because the covers are performed by the old farts I grew up with, so they make today's music a little more comprehendable.

Plus I like seeing what the heck happened to everybody.


Okay. Here's the latest nurnee that I really like.

It's an essential oil diffuser in the shape of a goddess.

Sweet, isn't it?


There was a nice show on Animal Planet last night called 'Animal Icons', and the featured animal icon was Garfield.

Did you guys know I had one of those sucker-pad Garfield toys on my refrigerator door?...

I have actually considered trying to take this with me next time I fly,to stick him on the little window -- but I don't want to risk it being confiscated.

John put the claw marks on the fridge with some old fashioned stuff called Zip-A-Line.


Yesterday's post contained some semi-privately directed vitriol. Nope, not mentioning specific names. But if you read it and said "Oh, shit," to yourself, that's all I really wanted. Just be more aware of people's feelings, please.


Finally, thank the gods for NyQuil. It induces six-hour jump cuts and allows me to breathe freely through the night.


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