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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
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Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Three Dreams & South Park

Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2007 - 1:18 a.m.

I have had three very strange dreams in a row in the last four days.

Two were about my ostomy, and one was about a friendship of mine that I've put on hiatus for the sake of my sanity.

The first dream had me looking down at my stomach and observing scars where my ostomy used to be. There wasn't even any evidence of a stoma; apparently there had been some sort of cure for the affliction that caused the surgery in the first place, and everything that's been done had been fully restored.

The second dream I had was that the skin underneath my ostomy appliance broke down so completely that the appliance wouldn't stay on and it itched and itched. That one actually woke me up.

The third dream was about my hiatus friend who kept making plans and promises to me over and over again. In the dream, I was scheduled to appear on The Price Is Right, and she had promised to tape my appearance on it for me, but in order for me to see the tape, I had to come spend the day with her. The day dragged on forever, and finally we sat down to watch the tape -- and my portion of the show was missing! She just laughed and laughed and said she forgot to turn it back on after the third commercial break when I was on it.

I'm not sure what any of it means, but I can confirm that at least one of those dreams was extremely accurate.

And that's all I got to say 'bout that.


We have had rain and wind intermittently -- mostly wind -- and we have had no choice but to shut all of the windows and endure the stuffiness, or suffer the extra crispy allergies, which are much more intense than the original recipe allergies. Both air filters running full blast in the closed residence have kept the worst of the allergy symptoms at bay, but we remain wary.


Angelique Kidjo is in the USA for the summer, performing in support of Josh Groban, and as the main act. If you get a chance to see her in concert, do not miss it.


Aaaand -- this just in from Playfuls:

An animated likeness -- not the real Clinton -- will be featured in Wednesday on the popular, irreverent Comedy Central cartoon.

The episode -- the content of which show insiders said could change -- has the town at the heart of "South Park" preparing for Clinton's arrival for a campaign rally, the New York Daily News said Tuesday. Meanwhile, the character Cartman suspects a new Muslim student is behind a terrorist threat that includes Clinton as a target.

You're darn RIGHT I'm looking forward to it.

With an appreciative nod to Larry The Cable Guy for the following line, can you say 'more excited than Jim Nabors in a wheelbarrow full of butt-holes?'

Sure, I knew you could.


All right, I think that's it. Have a good Wednesday.


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