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Beef Stew Recipe

Monday, Mar. 07, 2011 - 3:17 a.m.

I'm sure I've posted this somewhere else at some point online, but I know I haven't posted it here in awhile.

A couple of days ago, I received a request for this recipe from J@mie L0rd, so in addition to emailing it to him, I am posting it here.

If any of my readers give it a try, let me know how it comes out.


Pretty Good Beef Stew

4 lbs of London Broil, cut into one inch cubes
4 lbs of potatoes, peeled and cubed
2 or 3 cups of baby carrots (depending on how many you want)
1 can of pitted black olives, drained and rinsed (optional)
1 package of frozen green peas
1 package of Wyler's Soup Starter for Vegetable Beef
Corn starch

Wash and peel the potatoes; cube them and place them in a bowl of water to prevent discoloration. After all the potatoes are prepared, rinse them off, drain them, and transfer them to your biggest cooking pot, which you've placed on your biggest stove burner. I recommend at least an 8-qt size, or else you may have to proportionately downscale this recipe. Fill the cooking pot with fresh water just until the potatoes are covered again. Don't add additional water until you have added the rest of the ingredients, and do not turn on the burner until all of the ingredients have been added.

Open the pack(s) of carrots; rinse them and add them.

Trim the fat from the London broil, cube it, and set it aside. Prepare a plate or ziploc bag with a mixture of 3 parts flour to one part corn starch, and coat the cubed meat with this flour/cornstarch mixture. Set the floured meat cubes aside until they have all been floured.

In a medium sized saucepan, brown the floured meat cubes. As they brown, take them out of the pan and set them aside, either in a bowl or on a plate. Continue until all the floured meat cubes are browned. When you're finished browing the cubes, set the saucepan in the sink, and fill the saucepan with water so the cooked-on flour/cornstarch mixture will be easier to remove from your pan.

Add the pitted black olives (drained and rinsed) to the soup. The olives are optional.

Add the frozen green peas to the soup.
Add the floured meat cubes to the soup.

Add more water if you need to, one cup at a time.

Add the Soup Starter.

Turn on the burner to HIGH, and with your strongest biggest spoon, reach into the bottom of the pot and begin stirring. Stand in the kitchen and stir slowly and thoroughly until the soup comes to a gentle boil. Turn the burner down about one-third (e.g., from 10 to 6 or 7), uncover and stir slowly and thoroughly every fifteen minutes for one hour. Make sure the stuff on the bottom gets stirred, or else it will burn. Cover again and let simmer.

After the first fifteen minutes, check the stew to see if it's too watery. If there is too much liquid, feel free to either remove some with a cup measure, or sift a couple of tablespoons of cornstarch into the stew, stirring constantly.

After the hour is up, take a carrot out and if it mashes easily with a fork, the stew is done.

Serving Size: 1 Cup
Calories: 100 sorta kinda
Preparation Time: Approximately 30 minutes
Cooking Time: At least 1 hour
Number of Servings per batch: I don't know. Depends on how much water you added. (G)


All right, that's it. See you next time!


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