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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
Monday, Dec. 18, 2017
Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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This is where I post, where I dream,
where I hurt, and where I recover.

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I Can Hear The Ocean.

A proud member of
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for over a tenth
of a century.

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


What's The Word I'm Looking For?

Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2003 - 9:03 a.m.

Two weapons of mass destruction were eliminated yesterday.

Saddam Hussein's two sons, Igpay and Atinlay, are dead. Or whatever their names are.

One of those darling boys used to arrange the public execution of Iraqi athletes that displeased him. The other one was in charge of something called 'Prison Cleansing', which meant that if you were in Iraqi custody for something, and the prisons got too full, there was a name lottery. If your name got chosen, you got removed from your cell and put in the device called the 'shredder' -- feet first.

Just remember this, folks: Had our government listened to the liberals, and allowed the regime to remain intact, these so-called men would have continued to do that.

The opposition's point of view is that 'War never solved anything.' Oh yeah? How about slavery, communism, Nazism and fascism?

Anyway, as much as it galls me to point this out, those men -were- somebody's children. So attention all peaceniks -- If you wish to extend any sympathy toward anybody about what happened, send it to the mother.

If she hasn't been shredded yet.


Late last night, my trip to Utah was postponed.

Paul and I had a long talk. There are things going on in Paul's life right now that basically make it impossible for him to allow a strange woman to camp on his couch. The details shall be spared the readership, because I'm respecting the privacy of Paul's family. This was a mutual decision based on a lot of things.

Paul told me he thinks I'm an angel for being so understanding. (He's right -- and I'm humble, too! :) ) So, whenever it happens, it happens. My husband was looking forward to being able to get me out of the house for a week, but we'll deal.:)


Anyway, on to something else...

Five things you probably didn't know about me.

- I can write backwards almost as fast as I can write forwards. (That's not 'ambidextrous', it's something else, but I can't remember what.)

- In 1989, I was in the top ten list of people who received Hugo Award votes for Best Fan Writer. Unfortunately, only the top five actually get printed on the final ballot and in the program book, so, neener neener, you're just going to have to take my word for it.

- In 1975, when I was ten, I went to a Star Trek festival with my father, to meet Walter Koenig because I had a crush on him, and purchased a tribble and a couple of glossy photographs from a vendor there -- who later turned out to be the man I am married to now.

- I have never seen a single episode of 'The X Files', 'ER', 'Everybody Loves Raymond', or 'The Sopranos'.

- I was once the maid of honor at a wedding that was officiated by Ben Fong-Torres. Yes, the Rolling Stone guy from 'Almost Famous'. He was a family friend of the groom, and he's a member of the Universal Life Church. The ceremony he read was one he'd written; it was personal and wonderful and vivid and creative.


Okay. Gonna head out. :)


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