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Springtime For Someone
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Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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I Can Hear The Ocean.

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


It Is To Laugh

Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2003 - 5:35 a.m.

Okay. I'm ready to jump off of the planet today if the fog doesn't roll in. I can't breathe, and I can't hear anything.

Last night I tried to listen to my shortwave stations. Nothing and I mean NOTHING was coming in. I assumed the warm weather would be conducive to some really strong tropospheric duction, aka Tropic Spirit Duck Shins, but I was wrong.

The sky out here was BROWN at sunset last night. Not pink, nor parrish blue, but just plain old disgusting BROWN.

And chewy.

The sun is upset, too, which is why I can't hear my shortwave.

Does anybody have any cool clean air I can borrow? I'll give it back when I'm done...


So of course, yesterday being a "Red Flag / High Fire Danger / Spare The Air / Be Careful With Your Goddamned Cigarette Butts / If You Have Any Kind Of Lung Rot And You're Thinking Of Going Outdoors At All, You Might As Well Just Order The Casket Now" day, what did our dumbfuck neighbors do at dinnertime? Not the ones with the pond full of retarded koi, but the ones that share the back fence with us. The ones who own the big dumb dog -- probably named 'Booger' -- that gets bored at about eight-thirty in the morning about ten minutes after mommy and daddy have both gone to work and sits out on the back porch and opens its mouth and lets the barks fall out just for the sheer joy of it all until about noon or so... THOSE people decided that, well, dad gum, it's too durn hot to cook indoors! Let's have a barbecue!

So they used about four or five bottles of lighter fluid to get the charcoal going, and treated the neighbors to all of the spectacular fumes and a wonderful toasty roaring fire that finished their steaks in under three minutes. Better than the fucking microwave, by golly.

Two words: Pee Yew.

If they had only reached over the side of their fence with a fork on a broomstick and helped themselves to the koi -- I might have forgiven them.



Cheri should be back from Mexico by now; I feel very discombobulated without my best girlfriend around.


My burn is doing a little better, but it still looks the same as yesterday, so I thought I'd wait another day to take another picture.:) It's still bright screaming pink with a long yellow glob in the middle, but there should be enough metamorpha metamorpho metam mita of a change by tomorrow to make the next picture interesting.


Warner Brothers Home Video can kiss my spotty fat arse. Again and again and verily I sayeth again.

The release of the Looney Tunes cartoons on DVD did NOT include "What's Opera, Doc?" ("Kill da wabbit!") and it also did not include "One Froggy Evening" which of course features the singing and dancing Michigan J. Frog. One of their spokescreatures said they deliberately 'saved back a couple of jewels' for future releases.

Releasing Looney Tunes cartoons in a collection that doesn't include the aformentioned titles is akin to releasing all of the Dick Van Dyke episodes except "Coast-To-Coast Bigmouth". You just don't do that to your fan base.

What a bunch of Aqua-Maroons. :)

P.S. -- Just as I finished this entry, the fog rolled in. Whew.


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