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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
Monday, Dec. 18, 2017
Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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I Can Hear The Ocean.

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


What? Already?!

Monday, Dec. 01, 2003 - 6:05 a.m.

I had to look twice at today's date stamp. I can't believe it's already December.

A couple of weeks ago, Jamie asked me if I knew why the time seemed to go so much faster in adulthood than it did when we were children.

I answered it was probably because for each year that passes, a year becomes a smaller fraction of one's life.


Yesterday it rained. A lot.

For a few hours yesterday, the people here in the apartment building were treed by a skunk who decided he liked our nice leakproof garage much better than he liked walking along the back fences in the blocks that exist between the Presidio and Golden Gate Park. We've chased skunks out of our garage before, so it's no big deal to us -- but our downstairs neighbor, whom I christened Stupid Larry for a multitude of reasons, had other ideas. The poor dear is a city slicker, so instead of leaving the skunk the hell alone to walk around and investigate the garage and find out for itself that there wasn't anything to eat in there nor any girl skunks to make time with and then continue on, Stupid Larry decided the skunk was looking around for something to spray. So he went around telling people there was a skunk in the garage, and that he went ahead and called animal control.

Yeah, those people want to come out into the rain on a holiday weekend to investigate a skunk sighting.

I have no idea what eventually happened, but I bet I can guess.

Skunks are not generally interested in socializing with humans, because we're taller than they are, and in the garage, we make weird noises with these giant wheeled conveyances. So the skunks that visit here hardly ever stay longer than about five minutes before they figure out there surely must be a more peaceful resource from which to find munchies and skunk poon.

But Stupid Larry probably doesn't know any of this. And this is no surprise.

Back in March of this year when there was a gas leak downstairs as a result of an illegal gas line being installed to run the new washer and dryer, we called 911 to see what could be done, and were told to pound on all of the apartment doors and tell the neighbors to get the heck and gone away from the building until the fire department could arrive and investigate. Everybody in the building was cooperative -- except one. Stupid Larry ignored the door and continued to lean out of his apartment window while. smoking. a. cigarette.

So anyway, what probably happened was, the animal control person was dispatched to our building, and by then the skunk was probably long gone.



Okay! Show of hands! Who is still eating leftovers as of today? I've had so much turkey I'm about ready to examine myself for feathers.


And also last night, I got a sneak preview of a song from my writing partner, Todd Thalimer.

When he's ready to publicize it, you, dear readers, will be the first to know.:)


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