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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
Monday, Dec. 18, 2017
Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

This is my safe space

This is where I post, where I dream,
where I hurt, and where I recover.

Everybody who understands this
is welcome to stay.

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Friday Five v2.0
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ACME Heartmaker
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I Can Hear The Ocean.

A proud member of
the Diaryland family
for over a tenth
of a century.

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


About My Yesterday

Wednesday, Mar. 03, 2004 - 1:05 a.m.

I was up late Monday night until about two in the morning on Tuesday. One of the last emails I found was one from Scott Hysmith, who was going to be online in the next four hours or so.

So I went to sleep at about two thirty, and woke up at about five forty five. I began Tuesday with three hours of sleep.

But it was nice to visit with Scott for a few minutes and catch up with him. Thirty minutes elapsed in the blink of an eye, as usual.

Then as it became seven o clock, John got up, and I made lunch for him, and by the time he left, shortly after eight, the friend with the aformentioned unmentioned problem logged on, and I stayed online for the next six hours. Tuesday was the day that the situation reached its closure, and had there been a problem during the 'closing ceremonies', I was in fact the person asked to be the emergency backup. ("If I disappear offline and am not back in ten minutes, call the land line, and if I don't use the safeword immediately, please hang up and call my local police.")

During the noon hour here, I unwrapped one of those Gorton Fish Fillets that John got the night before and made it for lunch. It was absolutely delicious. I got to IM with Cheri for a few moments, and found out that she'd just donated bone marrow to see if it was a match for her young cousin who was just diagnosed with Hodgkins'. Fingers crossed for your cousin, and for you, Cheri. Time will be a friend. :)

As the afternoon progressed, fortunately, the situation never came anywhere close to me needing to phone the police for my friend, but I was told that having me there Just In Case was something of a help. Whew. Good. :)

When my friend finally logged off at two, I was almost immediately IMed by Diet Guy. I was able to stay conscious for about twenty minutes, having only had three hours of sleep the previous night. Diet Guy admonished me and told me to go to bed and he'd check in later.

So finally, gratefully, at two twenty-five in the afternoon, I went to the bed, climbed in to the electric blanket coccoon, and slept, and slept...

Until four in the afternoon.

When the damn. phone. rang.

It was our landlord, calling from his cell phone just outside the building gate. The fixit guy was here, had already knocked once but got no answer, and could he please come in? Our bathroom sink fixture had broken from years of use -- in the third week of January.

It was a miracle that I heard the call at all, but I had the telephone with me because I half expected to hear from the friend with the situation.

In a distant haze, I went to the front door and let the landlord in, and the fixit guy in, and went back to bed. The last thing I recall hearing was the dreadful glug that always accompanies the act of all of the water in the building being shut off, and I had drifted off hoping Mr Landlord and Mr Fixit wouldn't fucking forget to turn the water back on after the sink was repaired.

Miraculously, after about thirty minutes, and quietly -- the job was finished and there was minimal cleanup. The new fixture will take some getting used to, but it's small and very cute and goes with the rest of the hardware in the bathroom.

By now it was about ten to five in the afternoon, and five was when I was going to have awakened anyway. The fixit guy tapped on the bedroom door, had me come out and give it a look, so I made the Ooh Ahh Blowup Doll Face at his work until he smiled, gathered his tools, and left.

I logged on, got my mail, and went into the kitchen afterward to make some Jello for John, and some dinner for myself. Dinner for me was a salmon steak; John availed himself of the leftover szechuan beef and rice.

The phone rang, and it was my friend, calling to say thanks for helping make it an easier day.

After dinner, John put on Finding Nemo until he dinked out; and right after I put him to bed, I came back to the computer and found none other than Fake Andy sending me friendly IMs; I wondered why he was rubbing my ankles and purring after I've made it more than clear that I'm onto him, but oh well.

The last thing I did during my day was visit with my Jamie. We had a nice therapeutic bitch session about the dieting hell that low carb programs seem to be.

And as soon as this is posted, I'm going to sleep. And sleep. Sleep. Sleep.


My yesterday was good.

Later today, I get to help a friend reconsecrate a newly-vacated room that was once occupied by a Wiccan.

Should be fun. :)


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THE LEGAL STUFF: All content on this site that was created by me is copyright 2003-infinity by Brin Marie McLaughlin. Steal my stuff and I'll squash you like a bug. All incoming email or any other form of communication with me is subject to publication or other distribution by me in whole or in part at my sole discretion. This diary features the sole opinions and experiences of one person, namely me, the person who is paying for this space. In the interest of safety and accountability, no anonymous input will ever be allowed here, ever, for any reason in the entire history of ever. Whenever there is a comments section appearing in this diary, it's to be considered part of my paid presence on the web, and shall be used by my readership to supplement the things I have written here with relevant information in a polite manner. Comments that do not fall in that category are subject to deletion at my whim. Your visit to my diary along with your use of my comments section constitutes the understanding of this statement. Anything else on these pages including any comments belongs to whoever created it. All external links are current as of the date of the entry in which they are first featured, but at no other time. News excerpts used here are for educational purposes and are permitted under the Fair Use Doctrine. Hold hands when you cross the street, and play nice.