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Springtime For Someone
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Confessions Of A Pack Rat
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More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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I Can Hear The Ocean.

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Witchcraft & Weight Loss

Thursday, Mar. 04, 2004 - 2:07 a.m.

Remember I said yesterday I was helping a friend reconsecrate a vacated room that used to be occupied by a Wiccan?

The reconsecration went beautifully.

The friend was my arms and legs. I was on the telephone, providing the spell itself, and offering guidance as needed.

I asked my friend what the room was going to be used for. I was told that it would be a place of creativity and study, as a computer and craftworking room.

The day the moveout occurred, the departing occupant cleaned it fairly thoroughly, but there were circumstances surrounding the moveout itself that made my friend concerned. So I was asked about any sort of spellworking that would reconsecrate a room and cleanse it for use again by the rest of the people in the household.

I did a lot of reading and studying about house blessings, and sage smudges, and polarity, and this and that and the other thing -- but no one ritual that presently existed seemed quite right.

So. I wrote one instead. This is the first ritual I've written in an extremely long time, but I'm going to go ahead and share it here, in case by some odd coincidence you find yourself in similar circumstances.

Since I was working with a non-Wiccan on a budget, we went the 'Kitchen Witch' routine, and employed common household items to represent the elements. My friend gathered the following four items -- a spray bottle of something scented for air, a lighted candle for fire, filtered water, and salt for earth. As each direction was addressed, the element was offered in that direction. We started facing east, because east is the direction of new beginnings, and because my friend's birth sign is accompanied by the air element.

My friend stood in the center of the room, and addressed each of the directions in turn:

Welcome to the guardians of the east, and the element of air. May they give clarity, perspective, and inspiration to all who enter this room.

Welcome to the guardians of the south, and the element of fire. May they give warmth, acceptance of change, and creativity to all who enter this room.

Welcome to the guardians of the west, and the element of water. May they give love, dreams and inner beauty to all who enter this room.

Welcome to the guardians of the north, and the element of earth. May they give understanding, endurance, and steadfastness to all who enter this room.

The energy of the room changed almost immediately. My friend has a very skittish dog; as soon as the ritual was underway, the dog scampered in and wanted to join the fun -- and of course was welcome to do so. :)

Thank you to my friend -- who does read this journal -- for trusting me to simply say what to do, and then doing it. I haven't done ritual work with another person in almost a year, so it was nice to have the experience of working with someone instead of just doing solitary work. :)


My diet and my weight are fine -- the routine remains unchanged; I have one egg for breakfast, a salad for lunch, (along with meat sometimes if I'm in the mood for it), a snack of Jello (gelatin or pudding), and a dinner of a decent portion of meat, along with vegetables and a little cheese. Overnight munchies sometimes include V8, and cheese chips. Drinks include tea with splenda, and occasionally a Diet Coke.

I do have my moments, though. Yesterday afternoon when I was cleaning the kitchen, I found some Froot Loops under the microwave oven, and I actually had impure Froot Loop thoughts that had me on the verge of tears.

But you will have moments like this if you're undertaking this. It takes 28 days to form a new habit or break an old one. I'm just a little more than halfway there, so I know there's going to be more moments. I've been moody, and manic, and sleepy, and wide awake, but as my body gets used to doing without the starches and the sugars and the carbs, there's been more stability -- and I'm finding other things to do with my body other than feed it. I've been exercising more, and reading more, and just generally being good to myself.

And oh yeah -- watching twenty pounds come off in eighteen days has been kind of fun, too. :)


Cheri arrives here two weeks from today! Wheeee!


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