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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
Monday, Dec. 18, 2017
Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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where I hurt, and where I recover.

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I Can Hear The Ocean.

A proud member of
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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Retail Therapy

Wednesday, Mar. 10, 2004 - 2:00 a.m.

So. Some of the fundage I refer to as 'Gran Money' has finally made its way here, in the form of a cashiers' check from my brother for his share of five months rent of her house.

And hooray -- it's here just in time.

Time. Time for retail therapy. Yayyy!...


Monday night, John and I went to Bed, Bath, & Beyond, to get some new towels before Cheri gets here. We just sort of looked around at the mishmash and looked at the towels themselves and realized that a bunch of them had stains from hair dye or mildew or Insert Deity Of Choice Here If Applicable only knows what else, and it was time to get replacements.

A small personal fan also nabbed us before we left there, along with several Yankee Candles.

Tuesday, I spent the late morning clipping tags off of the new towels, and visiting with Dave Marron over our customary breakfast. He broke with tradition and instead of eggs, he availed himself of Thompson Seedless Grapes, because he loves them so much, and buys them whenever they are on sale. I still had my egg. So I heard the nice crisp crunch crunch of him biting into fresh grapes.

Late Tuesday afternoon, I finally tackled a chore I didn't want to do -- I scrubbed the kitchen floor. Mind you, it's only something like nine square feet of linoleum tiles, but it's always a big job to get it really really clean. It was made easier by being on the phone with Kat in Philly! I hadn't gone voice with her in about a month, so it was sweet to hear her voice.

It was another hot day here in San Francisco -- well, hot for the time of year, anyway -- so by the time I was done with the floor, I was pretty ripe, so I went and stood in the rain locker. After that, John had gotten home from work, and I just suddenly started jonesing for something I hadn't had in over a year.

New underwear.

I don't know what came over me.

I just -had- to buy a package of panties. HAD to.

Ladies, you just know. When the urge hits, nothing else will satisfy. 42 different kinds of chocolate in reach, but nope. Must have nice skivvies in order to be able to face the rest of the world.

I asked John to please please take me to the nearest K-Mart where I knew they had my size at a reasonable price. We ambled through the park, and around the campus and up on to the freeway, and over through the underpass and past the toy store and the Saturn dealership and down the hill past the import store to the K-Mart in Colma -- and when we got there, we found it was gone! The building was there, but it was black, and surrounded by a fence.

We turned around and went back up the hill to Tar Zhay, where I found the frilly thangs I had sought -- and John purchased a DVD for me as an early birthday gift -- Whale Rider.

We stopped at the grocery store for ground beef -- and John bought me a bouquet of miniature roses that are lovely -- then came home, I finally made dinner (Salisbury steaks) and sat up late online goofing around with my brother until I made this post early Wednesday morning.


Tonight, John gets to go to the chiropractor and get his back and hips worked on. He always feels so much better after his appointment, but I always worry until he gets home, because he's usually gone until at least eight on the nights when he goes to Oakland and gets worked on. Be safe, my dearest one. I love you.

And thanks again for the retail therapy. :)


It's the wee hours.

I can hear the ocean.


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