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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
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Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Not So Old After All

Monday, Mar. 29, 2004 - 5:41 a.m.

I'm seeing here where Sir Peter Ustinov has died.

He won several Emmy awards and a Golden Globe, but I enjoyed him in 'Blackbeard's Ghost'. :)

He was 82.


And yesterday we lost Jan Berry, who was one half of the sixties singing duo Jan & Dean.

Before his automobile accident in 1966, Jan was a pre-med student who posessed a genius level IQ, and was the driving force behind the formation of Jan & Dean.


I feel old right now.


You've Been VolkswagenedThe other night on The History Channel, I saw a special about the history of the Volkswagen. I've always been a VW enthusiast, and in my early twenties, I owned a 1973 Super Beetle, and a 1967 Karmann Ghia, the latter of the two being famous for its famous Hot Weather Easy Peel Fake Teakwood Dashboard. No, I'm not kidding. When the weather was hot, the glue holding the dashboard paneling would soften enough, and chunks of the dashboard could be peeled away by frustrated drivers or random destructive passengers.

I eventually sold the Super Beetle to my folks for my brother to use, and he, too, is a VW nut. I'd always wanted to see about obtaining a notchback, which was available in Canada, but not in the USA, but then I was divorced from my first husband and my money had to go to other things after that. The Karmann Ghia met its fate at the hands of my ex brother-in-law.

The picture here is of the tag hanging off of the first Volkswagen my parents ever owned; in the late fifties and early sixties, Volkswagen ownership in the USA was still something of a novelty, and my father said that if two people driving VWs passed each other on the road, then more often than not, they would pull to the side of the road and start talking about their vehicles.

I guess that wouldn't happen today; I still entertain the dream though, of owning a new generation VW, and having it custom painted. Oyster Grey, with a racing stripe and a number 53.


Tonight, my first movie date with Jamie in what seems like years.

I've explained what these are, right? Our movie dates?...

Jamie and I each pick a movie on DVD. Somehow we each obtain it, either by one of us buying it for the other, or via rental, or whatever. Then we pick a time and sometimes also pick an Official Snack, get on the phone, synchronize our DVD players, and watch the movie together -- even though he's on one coast and I'm on the other.

We've done this about a dozen times; neither of us seems to mind having a phone in our ear during the flick, and the only thing missing is the ability to touch fingertips while reaching into the popcorn bowl at the same time.


Last night was nice; I *finally* saw the Gary Oldman episode of 'Greg The Bunny', thanks to Bruce Meservey, a friend of John's from work, who taped the series.

Okay, maybe I don't feel so old after all. I dig puppets.


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