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Bindyree's Threes
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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


KEANE Tonight! / Weighing In

Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2004 - 7:44 a.m.

Tonight, Keane will be on VH1.

I'm all set with a brand new never used before VHS video tape.

Yes, I still use that thing called a VCR.

In fact, there's a new version of this VCR sitting in a box waiting to be installed in the new and improved entertainment center we're going to purchase when my inheritance gets here.


Anyway: From the US Keane website:

Keane at Tower in Philly
WXPN will be hosting a special in-store performance by Keane at Tower Records on Monday 9/27/04. The event will start at 6:30pm sharp.

Tower Records - 9/27/04
Ave of the Arts
100 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA

So go see em.


Finally, Fergie weighs in --

AMHERST, N.Y. (AP) - Sarah Ferguson is happy to travel the country waving the Weight Watchers flag, but says the government needs to do its part to combat obesity.

Ferguson led more than 700 Weight Watchers faithful in a rousing ``super meeting'' Monday as part of an eight-city tour for the weight-loss group. Afterward, she said membership to such support-based systems should be covered by Medicare or Medicaid.

This is the most astounding thing I have heard in a very long time.

Yeah, let's give corporations yet another opportunity to defraud the government. And the fact that corporations exist to exploit people who are obese also sickens me. It makes overweight people think they can't lose weight unless their product or organization is included in their lives.

This is total bullshit. You can lose weight WITH or WITHOUT the assistance of a corporation.

Personally, I have done it without. Your mileage may vary. I have had one person to help get me started, namely P@ul Schu!tz, but even he kept saying 'Do this for yourself.' And I have.

The truth is, about one in ten thousand of the overweight people in this country have a glandular problem that causes the extra weight.

The rest of us (yes, I am still on the list; I weighed 201 when I woke up this morning) have gained weight because we have deliberately chosen -- over and over again -- to ingest more calories than we burn off.

For fuck's sake, we must stop trying to foist another of our self-induced health problems off onto the government.

The government already does PLENTY for people who are obese. They're called NUTRITION LABELS. You read those things, and you decide whether or not to purchase that food. They're right there on the outside where you can read before you buy.

Until I read my labels, I had no idea that a container of macaroni and cheese contained five servings. That's fifteen hundred calories in ONE box of this stuff. And the various things labeled 'fat free'? That shit will kill you. The manufacturers of such things have simply replaced the oils with corn syrup and added enough extra sodium to neutralize the sweet flavor. Look at a fat free bottle of salad dressing sometime and see the extra carbohydrates and huge amounts of sodium. That's far worse for you than any regular bottle of dressing ever could be.

You can CHOOSE to eat that pizza, or not. You CHOOSE to load up on a big sugary tankard of caramel cinnamon whatever latte at Starfucks.

EVERY food decision you make is a CHOICE.

There's no such thing as an uncontrollable eating binge.

Mind you, I am by no means perfect. But I've got my indulgences built into my diet.

I still eat peanut butter straight out of the jar, but in moderation. :-)

I am by no means saying that organizations like Weight Watchers and TOPS and Jenny Craig are useless, because some people do function better in a group support situation. But I'm saying the option to do it yourself is viable and effective, and to not let the corporate weight loss centers try and brainwash you into thinking otherwise.


Anyway, enough blathering. Have a good day, and don't forget to watch KEANE tonight on VH1.


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