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Springtime For Someone
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2018
Monday, Dec. 18, 2017
Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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I Can Hear The Ocean.

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Sudden Rain

Saturday, Apr. 23, 2005 - 7:54 a.m.

Yesterday, the day began with nice weather but it turned to rain in the early afternoon.

This quashed my allergies nicely, but that only means they'll be worse when the rain is over.


The mail carrier brought me good news: The Keane tickets I purchased during the pre-sale finally arrived. What this means is that I now have four tickets available that I had bought as a backup in case the pre-sale tickets somehow didn't get here in time. Ideally, I want to wait and dole them out to people who post to craigslist and beg for face value tickets, to try and reverse the scalper karma out there.

So we'll see. :-)

The pre-sale tickets ended up being in a very very very excellent spot.


Finished watching the second season of the original Star Trek.

The last episode was 'Assignment: Earth' featuring a very young Terri Garr, when she was still using two Rs in her first name. This is the episode that was supposed to be a spinoff series, but it never went anywhere, until about fifteen years later when a guy named Donald Bellisario lifted the concept lock stock and barrel and changed a few names and called it 'Quantum Leap'.


And this news story caught my attention:

Saint Petersburg, Florida -- A lawyer has threatened to sue police officers who handcuffed an allegedly uncontrollable five-year-old after she acted up at a Florida kindergarten.

The officers were called by the school after a teacher and assistant principal failed to calm down the little girl.

The incident was caught on a video camera which was rolling in the classroom as part of a self-improvement exercise at the St Petersburg school.

A lawyer for the girl's mother said the episode was "incomprehensible".

The video, made public by the lawyer this week, shows the unfolding of the violent tantrum, which started when the little girl refused to take part in a math lesson. She then ripped some papers off a bulletin board and started punching whoever tried to calm her down.

After calling her mother and learning she would not be able to pick up the child for at least one more hour, the teachers resorted to calling the police. Three officers rushed to the scene, and after giving the child several more opportunities to behave, which were rebuffed, handcuffed the screaming girl by pinning her arms behind her back.

They finally drove her to her mother in the back of a police cruiser.

The St Petersburg Police Department declined to comment on the incident and said an investigation was under way.

You know what? I'm starting to think this should be done MORE often.

Little sugared-up shit-headed brat. How come this child didn't even have a basic set of behavioral values established yet?

I knew right from wrong by the time *I* was five -- and I especially knew that the police were a group of people NOT to be defied.

But the acorn probably doesn't fall far from the tree. She probably came from one of these soft fruity absentee overindulgent parents who thinks a child's self esteem will be compromised by actually expecting it to display manners and deference to elders.


Not sure what trouble to get into today. Saturday is usually reserved for retail therapy.

And I went ahead and got that goodie I'd been considering.

Okay. Done for the day. See ya tomorrow!


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