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Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


October 2005 Trip Report Pt I

Wednesday, Nov. 02, 2005 - 10:03 a.m.

Wednesday October 26 2005

The flight down to Anaheim from Oakland was really nice, thanks almost entirely to a fellow named Al Grimm. Al was a distinguished fellow about five years younger than my late father. Al was in line ahead of me. Small talk revealed that he worked in the same building in downtown San Francisco as John does, and further small talk revealed that he's a great great grandsomething of the famous Brothers Grimm. Al also showed me why people like to sit in the aisle where the safety exit is. Wow, there's LEGROOM!

Al, if you're out there reading this, THANK YOU for the flying trade secrets and thanks for hoisting my bag down from the bin.

I hope your back is okay.


Anaheim itself was about twenty degrees warmer than Oakland had been that morning -- but when I arrived at the hotel I always stay at when I'm in Anaheim, the woman at the reception desk of my motel was ice cold.

I tried to check in. I made my reservation through, and for some reason, had not faxed them the information. I didn't exist in their system. "Maybe you should just go to the hotel you're SUPPOSED to be at and check in THERE," was her assessment of the issue. I looked her right in the face and very soberly said "I am supposed to be right here, at the [Specific Name And Address Of Hotel Recited From Memory], and I have paid for this reservation in advance through" I stood my ground, though, and finally somebody else, Mike, stepped over to see what was the matter. "I made a reservation through," I said, "and there's never been a problem before."

Mike then asked me for a confirmation number. "I've never been required to provide that before," I said -- and then I remembered I'd received a confirmation email from about three days before.

I pulled out my Ti Book and checked.

There it was.

Mike got on the phone to, and using my confirmation number, found out that had indeed faxed the information to the hotel I was trying to check in to.

The hotel I was trying to check in to FUCKED UP. They had me down for a stay that BEGAN on the 31st instead of ENDING on the 31st.

Profuse apologies were offered by Mike.

But the charming lady that originally dealt with me remained silent.


The room was really beautifully appointed, which is why I like it here. And also, it's directly across the street from Disneyland.

I settled in and let Old Buddy Dave know I was here and situated.

I watched the Chicago White Sox win the World Series.

Phil Hendrie was actually on the radio in Anaheim; I heard him on 570 AM. So I listened to him, too.

I was able to get to sleep around one, which is usually when I go to sleep. The shower was entertaining, because the hot and cold were backwards. But the water pressure was nice. The hot water smells like farts do; I assume there's some sulfur related mineral content involved in this circumstance.

I didn't take any pictures on the first day of the trip, other than the rainy day one and the one from the plane. You saw those already. :-)

Back tomorrow with pictures. Really.


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