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Springtime For Someone
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Confessions Of A Pack Rat
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017
More Threes
Thursday, Jun. 29, 2017
Bindyree's Threes
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Nuts, Breasts, Ass, and Pussy

Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004 - 2:19 a.m.


It's this time of the morning because I just finished pulverizing some cashews.

I knew if I left em whole, I would go back in and take JUST A FEW.

Then later I would take JUST A FEW MORE.

It was me, or them.

The diet guy made an excellent sounding suggestion regarding cashews, which was to use them as a coating on chicken breasts instead of using breadcrumbs.

So I stuck the cashews in a ziploc, grabbed the old wooden breadboard because it has a handle, and probably didn't make as much noise as a hammer would have, and pounded the cashews beyond recognition. Tonight, I'll coat the chicken breasts in the cashews, and fling em in a pan and let em bake.

And -- as at least one of you knows, metaphorically speaking, I'm a master at crushing nuts.

Self? (I ask myself)... Are you going to elaborate?


I'm gonna let that one stand.


Yesterday's breakfast was the same; a scrambled egg with a tablespoon of ground beef and a cup of tea.

Second breakfast was a microwaved stack of dry salami and a small pile of habanero cheese slices. I made little sandwiches with two slices of salami and one of cheese.

Salad. Water. More tea. And yes, two Diet Cokes yesterday. (down from my consumption of six Diet Cokes a day. I'm trying for zero or one.)

Late in the afternoon, I made something for myself that I hadn't consumed in about thirty years. Saurkraut with half a sliced-up frankfurter. I used to eat this by the pan full until I was about ten. Then when I ate it again yesterday afternoon, I remembered why I'd lost my taste for it.

Dinner was pretty good, though. A pork chop, with a side of steamed broccoli with a little cheese on it.

My diet guy said I could have pork rinds if I wanted them. So a bag was purchased. John hates having pork rinds anywhere near him. In his words, "Those things are ass."

Actually, technically -- they're pig. Not ass.

My calorie count is up for the day, though, because that bag of pork rinds and I were at odds. One handful of them became two became three became goddammit I fucked up, that was way over my limit.

I'm going to have to gird my loins and go over to the healthfood store on Geary -- I don't know what it's called, I think it's 'Nuts and Twigs' or something -- and find something crunchy and remotely salty that makes noise, rather than adds to the calorie count.


Finally, here.

You're invited to follow this link so the title of today's entry will make sense.


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