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Bindyree's Threes
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I Can Hear The Ocean.

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Always go too far
because that's where
you'll find the truth.

Albert Camus

My First Tattoo


Migraine and SMILE

Sunday, Feb. 22, 2004 - 9:30 a.m.

I took a nap around two in the afternoon yesterday, and when I wope up at five, things seemed wrong.

I don't know how else to describe how I felt.

I had a killer headache that was so painful it was making me nauseated. I'd originally planned to cook dinner -- szechuan steak with vegetables -- but I was in too much pain. Light and noise were bothering me. At one point I asked John to rub my neck. It didn't alleviate the pain. So I begged off and took four aspirin and a glass of water and just opted to sit quietly and get some online work done. I remember interacting with Dave Marron, and I think I read my Buddy List on Diaryland, but that's it. Finally at around a quarter after six, I had John rub my neck, but to no avail. I gave up and I went to bed. My eyes felt like they were going to fall out, and all I wanted to do was make the pain go away.

At seven thirty, I got up and headed to the bathroom and vomited.

I was having a full blown migraine headache. I hadn't had one of those in many years.

At around eight, we called the advice nurse at Kaiser, and she asked a bunch of questions about my symptoms. Sure enough, it was a migraine. The nurse forbade me to take painkillers overnight, because John needed to observe me without any meds, but I had a cold compress on my neck and forehead. I took a cherry Tums around nine becuase my stomach was nauseated, but unfortunately it came right back up.

Finally the discomfort became bearable around eleven, and I was able to sit up and quietly drink a cup of chamomile tea. I chatted with my Diet Guy at about that time, and we discussed the possibility of the fact that the vomiting may have been somewhat my fault for not paying enough attention to what I was doing when I was preparing the cashew chicken the night before. Usually I'm very good about wiping my surfaces and tossing the cutlery in the hot water after it's been used once, but being the ditz that I am, I was on the telephone with somebody, so I might not have been as thorough as I could have been. The last time I was on the phone with somebody in the kitchen, I was attacked by meatloaf last October, which became the first Blister Watch. I'm not up to Salmonella Watch, believe me!...

Anyway, at last, I slept through part of the night -- I remember waking up at three and taking a goodly size glass of water then coming back to bed.

At eight this morning, I woke up and felt just fine. So far, two crackers have stayed down, and I'm sipping cool water.

Anyway, it's been a really long time since I had a migraine -- and between you and me and the walls? I don't want to have one again.

Today I seem okay so far.


In other news, I can't believe the headline that was waiting for me this morning.

SMILE premiered in London.

If that doesn't ring a bell for anybody under my age, that's fine.

SMILE was the Beach Boys' lost masterpiece, to have been a followup to PET SOUNDS. It got shelved for one reason and another, and didn't get finished until now.

The critics claim it's worth the wait.


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